USC Roadside Assistance

Questions marked with a * are required
Welcome to the USC ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE Program 
24 Hours a Day, 7 Days a Week; Includes Emergency Towing, Battery Assistance, Flat Tire Assistance, Fuel Delivery; Extrication and Lock-out Service. 


Emergency Towing: The covered vehicle will be towed to the nearest qualified service provider up to 100 miles of free towing. Charges are based on a per mile rating that vary from state to state. 

Battery Assistance: We will jumpstart the battery or minor emergency mechanical adjustments may be applied while on the road. 

Flat Tire Assistance: We will install the inflated spare. If there is no spare or if the spare is flat, we will tow the vehicle to the nearest qualified provider. No benefit is available for the cost of the tire repair or the second service call to return the repaired tire to the disabled vehicle. 

Fuel and Water Delivery Service: An emergency supply of fuel or water will be delivered to the cover vehicle. You only pay for the cost of liquids, parts or materials delivered. 

Winching: We will extricate the covered vehicle from a ditch, snow, mud or sand. Vehicle must be within 100 feet of a state maintained road. This benefit cannot be used for everyday normal snow removal. Maximum benefit is $100, per incident. 

Lost Key or Lockout Service: Locksmith service provided when keys are lost, broken or accidentally locked in the vehicle. Benefit is limited to $100 per incident and the cost of replacement keys is not covered. 
YES! Please ADD this benefit to my package at the cost of $5.00 per unit per month. This contract will automatically renew every year unless I notify in writing thirty (30) days prior to my renewal date. I also understand that coverage is not a la carte and must be taken on all my vehicles.
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